About Us

Keyset for Education is brought to you by Teachers at Key Understanding LLC

Key Understanding LLC

We Love Teachers & Students

At Key Understanding LLC, our goal is to develop tools that improve communication and spread information in unique ways. Keyset for Education, our debut program, aims to do exactly this.

The idea for Keyset originated with two teachers collaborating about what effective feedback looks like and how it can be given in a timely fashion. Both teachers had read John Hattie’s Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning and found themselves candidly examining their use of feedback aimed at improving the writing skills of their students. One of the obstacles they faced was the large class sizes they had. Giving effective feedback to almost 40 students per class is daunting (multiply that by five classes). This herculean task leaves the average teacher overwhelmed and can quickly lead to burnout that often results in zero feedback with just marks on a rubric. This honest look at their teaching methodology resulted in the birth of Keyset for Education and Key Understanding LLC. Keyset has been life-changing in their writing instruction and they want to share this amazing product with the world.

Jennifer Gomez Profile

Jen Gomez

High School Educator in California

Jen has been teaching high school history for over 20 years. While she appreciates all grade levels, sophomores are by far her favorite mostly because of their dry sense of humor and love of sarcasm. Jen loves challenging her students and creating opportunities for them to succeed.

Martha Stein Profile

Martha Stein

Educator in California

Martha is an English Language Arts teacher with a masters in School Counseling and over 16 years of experience in the classroom. She is passionate about improving the writing skills of her students and addresses this with the use of Keyset for Education.